Remembrance Parks Central Victoria are pleased to announce that as of 1st October 2020, we will be responsible for management & operations of the Sunbury Cemetery.

RPCV has been working with the Sunbury Cemetery Trust for some time regarding the transfer of the operational management of the site. The opportunity for RPCV to manage the Sunbury Cemetery effectively and efficiently will ensure that day-to-day operations and maintenance of the site meet the expectations of both right of interment holders and the general community.

RPCV CEO, Dean McElroy states, “There has been a considerable and detailed level of thought and planning undertaken and is ongoing to ensure the transfer of cemetery operations is completed in a timely and appropriate manner.”

The Sunbury Cemetery Trust will continue with its statutory oversight obligations and long-term development of the cemetery.

Mr McElroy added, “Remembrance Parks Central Victoria will maintain the current standards of maintenance delivered by Sunbury Cemetery Trust.”

The transition will also ensure the community has access to a range of educational opportunities to maximise their understanding and planning for after life care and remembrance.

Remembrance Parks Central Victoria is well experienced at delivering a high quality and caring service with compassion, to create and maintain enduring and accessible remembrance into perpetuity to the Hume region, and to provide services that respond to the evolving needs of the Sunbury community.

For any enquiries, please contact RPCV by calling 1300 266 561 or email us: