Our Dying to Know Expo Day will be our main event for RPCV Dying to Know Week, taking place at our Eaglehawk Remembrance Park.

RPCV is hosting a Dying to Know Expo Day at our Eaglehawk Remembrance Park. A day to activate conversations and curiosity, build death literacy and help to grow the capacity of individuals and community groups to take action toward end of life planning. Providing our community with valuable information around death, dying and bereavement.

DATE: Tuesday August 8th 2017
TIME: 9.30am -12.30pm
LOCATION: Chapel at Crematorium, Eaglehawk Remembrance Park
5 Victoria Street, Eaglehawk 3556

There will also be a number of guest speakers, crematoria tours and insightful activities throughout the morning.

Light Refreshments provided.

To Register your interest head to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dying-to-know-expo-day-tickets-35587781011?aff=ttd